Property Guard for Lending

Use Property Guard's Short Term Rental regulation database on over 20,000 US states, counties, and municipalities to lend with confidence

Our software answers the key questions you need to know to lend or acquire DSCR loans backed by short term rental income, including:

Does the jurisdiction allow STRs?


Percent of local
jurisdictions that have
banned STRs.*

Percent of local
jurisdictions that have banned STRs.*

Are permits required in
the jurisdiction?


Percent of state and local jurisdictions that
require permits
to operate.*

Percent of state and local jurisdictions that
require permits
to operate.*


If they allow STRs, are there any limiting stipulations in their regulation?

Does the jurisdiction allow STRs?


Percent of state and local jurisdictions that
require permits
to operate.*

Are permits required in
the jurisdiction?


Percent of state and local jurisdictions that require permits to operate.*


If they allow STRs, are there any limiting stipulations in their regulation?


Are permits in place at your subject property?

DSCR loans stipulate that the property is operating in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations; this includes have active permits in the owners name outstanding.

*According to Property Guard's proprietary database as of 12/31/23

Mortgage Issuers and Investors do not have an efficient way to validate whether lendees comply with local STR laws and ordinances.

Let our primary research team perform this diligence for you, at a fraction of the staffing cost required… let your team focus on what matters.

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